Epidemiology of ebola virus pdf file

The ebola virus disease outbreak in tonkolili district, sierra leone. An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. The ongoing ebola virus outbreak in the democratic republic of the congo has similar epidemiological features to previous ebola virus disease outbreaks. Agent factors agent ebola virus contain singlestrand, noninfectious rna genomes. An outbreak of ebola virus disease evd in west africa, with onset in early. The ebola virus disease outbreak in zaire yambuku started in late 1976, and was the second outbreak ever after the earlier one in sudan the same year. Outbreak of ebola virus disease in the democratic republic. Please see additional file 1 for translation of the ab. Apr 21, 2015 over the past 40 years, sporadic ebola virus disease evd outbreaks have occurred mostly in the central african region.

The viruses that cause evd are located mainly in subsaharan africa. Bodies of patients who have died from evd are highly infectious. Ebola virus disease epidemic west africa, january 2015 incident management system ebola epidemiology team, cdc. Ebola and marburg virus disease epidemics preparedness. The first evd outbreak was reported in the 1970s in zaire now the democratic. The evd epidemiology, pathogenesis, and clinical characterization will be discussed in this study. Assessment of the severity of ebola virus disease in sierra.

Ebola virus disease evd, formerly known as ebola haemorrhagic fever ehf, is an acute, severe and fatal disease in humans. Since the first report of evd in march 2014, the number of cases has increased rapidly, with the fatality rate of 50%. Pdf evd is a disease of humans and other nonhuman primates caused by ebola viruses, which was first discovered in 1976. The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of ebola virus disease are discussed elsewhere. This virus was formerly known as the hemorrhagic fever. More information on ebola virus disease can be found in the ecdc factsheet for health professionals. Ebola virus, first identified in humans in 1976 during outbreaks in zaire and sudan, is native to subsaharan africa. Ebola hemorrhagic fever, epidemiology, ebola virus physiology, hemorrhagic fever. Ebola virus epidemiology, transmission, and evolution during. Virus suppresses type 1 interferon responses and induces cytokine and chemokine releasechemokine release virus replicates, released and migrates to local lymph nodes, travels through the lymphatic system to blood virus disseminated throughout the body feldmann h, geisbert tw. Page 4 of 4 activity educator materials information isnt as valuable, because any infected bat, not just newly infected bats, can pass the virus on to. Signs and symptoms typically start between two days and three weeks after contracting the virus with a fever, sore throat, muscular pain, and headaches. In this article, we present an overview of the pathogen, its epidemiology and transmission, clinical and laboratory manifestations, treatment and infection control procedures, with an emphasis on what is known about ebola virus disease in the pediatric population. The 2014 outbreak of ebola virus ebov disease evd in nigeria was one branch of the major west african epidemic that spanned 202016.

Ebola hemorrhagic fever, epidemiology, ebola virusphysiology, hemorrhagic fever. Page 2 of 3 activity some epidemiologists are especially focused on detecting and monitoring emerging diseases. Prior to the ongoing outbreak, ebola virus disease. This means that no newly imported viral diversity was detected after the initial introduction gire et al. The viruses that cause vhf are distributed over much of the globe. Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a severe disease that is caused by a virus. Of these, two tested positive for ebola virus, zaire ebolavirus species, by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction rtpcr on 7 may 2018, and the outbreak was officially declared on 8 may 2018. Ebola is named for the river in africa where the disease was first recognized in 1976. Currently, west africa is facing the largest outbreak of. Even once the worst hit countries of guinea, liberia, and sierra leone are declared free of ebola virus disease evd, rare cases may still arise from the.

In february 2014, the first case of evd occurred in guinea, followed by a rapid growth of the evd epidemic within the next nine months in west africa. The unprecedented scale of the ebola outbreak in west africa has, as of 29 april 2015, resulted in more than 10,884 deaths among 26,277 cases. Lassa fever is also endemic in certain areas of west africa and may show symptoms similar to early ebola virus disease. In the event of a probable case of ebola virus disease, which is defined as having. Scientists continue to search for conclusive evidence of the bats role in transmission of ebola. The most prevalent ebola virus belongs to the species of zaire ebolavirus. African fruit bats are likely involved in the spread of ebola virus and may even be the source animal reservoir host. Ebola virus disease, viral haemorrhagic fever, filovirus. Ebola virus epidemiology, transmission, and evolution during seven months in sierra leone graphical abstract highlights d in sierra leone, transmission has primarily been withincountry, not betweencountry d infectious doses are large enough for intrahost variants to transmit between hosts d a prolonged epidemic removes deleterious mutations from. Patients with severe forms of the disease may develop hemorrhagic symptoms and multiorgan. Pdf the epidemiology of ebola virus disease researchgate. Ebola, previously known as ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a rare and deadly disease caused by infection with one of the ebola virus strains.

Article phylodynamic assessment of intervention strategies for the west african ebola virus outbreak simon dellicour 1, guy baele 1, gytis dudas2, nuno r. Ebola virus disease evd is a rare and deadly disease in people and nonhuman primates. The virus obtained its name from the ebola river in africa. Outbreak of ebola virus disease in west africa ecdc. The ebola readiness poll provides insight on member preparedness related to ebola. Each virus is associated with one or more nonhuman host or vector species, restricting the virus and the initial contamination to the areas inhabited by these species. Ebola and marburg virus disease epidemics preparedness, alert. The ebola virus disease evd outbreak started in guinea in 20 1, 2, and as of june 10, 2016, 28,616 cases had been registered, with 11,310 deaths 3 2.

Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health problems in specified. Ebola virus is the cause of a viral hemorrhagic fever disease. Limited evidence is available on pediatric disease course and prognosis. An epidemiological analysis of ebola virus disease in west africa was performed based on 26 593 cases from march 2014 to may 2015.

Describe signs, symptoms, and transmission of ebola disease. Pdf just how ebola actually gets from animals or the environment and into humans is unclear. Ebola virus disease evd evd is an infection characterized by sudden onset of fever and malaise, accompanied by other nonspecific signs and symptoms, such as fever, myalgia, headache, vomiting, and diarrhea. In 2014, ebola virus disease evd in west africa was first reported during march. Aug 23, 2018 ebola hemorrhagic fever is considered a classic zoonotic disease with persistence of the ebola virus in a reservoir species. Early in the epidemic, genome sequencing provided insights into virus evolution and transmission and offered important information for outbreak response.

Prevention and control of ebola virus disease in health. Ebola can cause disease in humans and nonhuman primates monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees. Ebola virus genome contains a single strand of nonsegmented, negativesense viral genomic rna 15. A person exposed to the ebola virus is contagious from the moment of exposure to the virus. Ebola virus infection epidemiology bmj best practice. History of ebola virus disease error processing ssi file.

Discovered in 1976 near the ebola river in present day democratic republic of the congo. Wurie, jackson amone, louisa ganda, bernard ntsama, alain poy, fredson kutigeorge, etsub engedashet, negusu worku, martin cormican, charles okot, zabulon yoti, kandebure kamara, kennedy chitala, alex chimbaru, and francis kasolo. Epidemiology of epidemic ebola virus disease in conakry. The index case in this outbreak has not yet been identified and epidemiologic investigations are ongoing, including laboratory testing. The virus was first discovered during an outbreak dated back to the year 1976. Pteropodidae families of fruit bats are thought to be the natural reservoirs of ebola virus 16. As of march 2016, a total of 28 639 evd cases and 11 316 deaths have been reported in 10 countries.

Epidemiological update as of 27 june 2015 week 25, who has reported 27 541 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of ebola virus disease evd, including 11 235 deaths, from 10 countries affected by the ebola outbreak in west africa. Wurie, jackson amone, louisa ganda, bernard ntsama, alain poy, fredson kutigeorge, etsub engedashet, negusu worku, martin cormican, charles okot, zabulon yoti, kandebure kamara. Viral hemorrhagic fevers chapter 4 2020 yellow book. Early detection, rapid patient isolation, contact tracing, and the ongoing vaccination programme should sufficiently control the outbreak. The capacity to rapidly distinguish ebola virus disease from other infectious diseases and to monitor biochemistry and viremia levels is crucial to the clinical management of suspected ebola virus. People can get evd through direct contact with an infected animal bat or nonhuman primate or a sick or dead person infected with ebola virus. In response to the 20142016 ebola virus disease ebola epidemic in west africa, cdc prepared for the potential introduction of ebola into the united states. On 1 august 2018, the tenth ebola outbreak was declared in the drc, only a few days after the prior outbreak in the same country had been declared over on 24 july. Early identification and prevention of the spread of ebola. The immediate goals were to rapidly identify and isolate any cases of ebola, prevent transmission, and promote timely treatment of affected patients. Jul 08, 2016 surveillance for ebola virus disease ebola in the west african countries heavily affected by ebola guinea, liberia, and sierra leone faced numerous impediments, including insufficient numbers of trained staff, community reticence to report cases and contacts, limited information technology resources, limited telephone and internet service. In this study will be presented epidemiology and pathogenesis of ebola virus disease including new findings resulting from the studies linked with 2014 ebola outbreak in west africa. Details regarding laboratory diagnostics for suspected. Epidemiology of epidemic ebola virus disease in conakry and.

Apics 2014 ebola readiness poll conducted october 1015, 2014. Ebola virus epidemiology, transmission, and evolution. We describe the epidemiology of evd cases reported in guineas capital, conakry, and 4 surrounding prefectures coyah, dubreka, forecariah, and kindia, encompassing a full year of the epidemic. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of ebola virus disease uptodate. Describe main public health concern during an ebola. Common clinical featuressudden onset of fever, malaise, myalgia, diarrhoea, hypotension and shock. The 202015 ebola virus disease evd epidemic is caused by the makona variant of ebola virus. The exact source of ebola infections remains an open question, and. Practical healthcare epidemiology, 4th edition volume 25. Phylodynamic assessment of intervention strategies for the. Ebola surveillance guinea, liberia, and sierra leone mmwr. On march 2014 the who notified the outbreak of ebola virus disease evd in guinea, and infection quickly spread to another west african countries including sierra leone, liberia and nigeria. Humantohuman transmission of ebola virus occurs through directindirect contact with blood and body fluids of an infected symptomatic person.

The average ebola case fatality rate is around 50%. The virus causing this outbreak, the zaire ebolavirus ebov, belongs to the genus ebolavirus which together with the genus marburgvirus forms the family of the filoviridae. Mar 10, 2015 ebola virus disease evd, formerly known as ebola haemorrhagic fever ehf, is an acute, severe and fatal disease in humans. It most commonly affects people and nonhuman primates, such as monkeys, chimpanzees, and gorillas. Epidemiology of ebola virus disease transmission among health care workers in sierra leone, may to december 2014. The forecast of the number of cases does not exceed the current capacity to respond if the. The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and then spreads in the human population through humantohuman transmission. Epidemiology of ebola virus disease transmission among. Select up to three search categories and corresponding keywords using the fields to the right. People become infected with ebola virus through contact with infected wild animals or contact with blood or body fluids urine, feces, saliva, sweat, vomit, breast milk, and semen of infected humans. Experiences during 20142016 with the ebola virus disease evd outbreak in west africa underscore how networks of professionals trained in the basics of field epidemiology can play key roles in mitigating the health and economic effects of emerging disease threats, such as evd. Ebola virus disease formerly known as ebola hemorrhagic fever is a rare and often deadly illness caused by the ebola virus. Pathogenesis of the ebola virus october 3rd, 2014 brain im sorry to start your friday off on a somber note, but it appears that the ebola virus has made its way to the united states specifically, dallas, and this has initiated an expected interest and fear in the deadly disease. Biographies of members of, and advisers to the 1st meeting.

The 20142016 ebola virus disease ebola epidemic in west africa underscores the need for health care infection prevention and control ipc practices to be implemented properly and consistently to interrupt transmission of pathogens in health care settings to patients and health care workers. Share epidemiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations of ebola and marburg virus disease. Ebola disease ebola disease is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. In march 2014, an outbreak of evd was recognized in guinea which would become the most significant outbreak of haemorrhagic fever in africa to date. Ebola spotlight emerging infectious diseases journal cdc.

The first cases of ebola virus infection were reported in zaire now known as the democratic republic of the congo in 1976. The virus causing this outbreak, the zaire ebolavirus ebov. Ebola virus disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation and management abstract. Jan 06, 2015 dr darina oflanagan, director, hse health protection surveillance centre presents epidemiology of ebola virus disease at the mater hospital ebola conference in dublin, ireland 121114. Early supportive care with rehydration, symptomatic treatment improves survival. Ebola virus disease formerly known as ebola hemorrhagic fever is a rare and often deadly illness caused by the. Ebola virus disease evd is a lifethreatening viral disease with a fatality rate ranging from around 30% to 90%. There were 318 cases and 280 deaths, an 88% case fatality rate. Enhancing ebola virus disease surveillance and prevention in. Infection prevention and control for ebola in health care.

Ebola is a virus that causes ebola virus disease evd. Distribution of ebola virus disease cases by health zone in equateur province. Humans can be infected by ebola virus by direct contact with blood and. Zaire, sudan and cote divoire cause illness in humans. Compared to the peak of the outbreak, the number of new cases per day has decreased by 92. Refer to the help section for more detailed instructions. Table 1 epidemiology of epidemic ebola virus disease in. Introduction to ebola disease world health organization. In 2014, ebola virus disease evd in west africa was first reported during march in 3 southeastern prefectures in guinea. We built a spreadsheetbased model that 1 allows user to estimate the number of ebola virus disease evd cases in a community, 2 tracks patients susceptibility to disease through infectivity, incubation, recovery, and death, and 3. Ebola virus epidemiology and evolution in nigeria the.

The 202015 ebola virus disease evd epidemic is caused by the makona variant of ebola virus ebov. Epidemiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations of. However, while ebola remains a lethal disease that is difficult to treat, there are several notable differences between the current ebola outbreak and the outbreak in 2014. After the end of the original outbreak, in the three most affected countries in 2015 2, specifically, in liberia in may, sierra leone in november, and guinea in december, different flareups were reported. The intent of the poll is to help inform dialog and indicate areas where more indepth. The survey asked apic s infection preventionists members, how prepared is your facility to receive a patient with the ebola virus. The survey asked a number of questions to help discern if ips believe their facilities are more prepared than a year ago to deal with a patient with a highly lethal infectious disease, such as the ebola virus. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of ebola virus disease will be presented here, including knowledge that emerged during and after the west african epidemic of ebola virus disease. The survey asked apics infection preventionists members, how prepared is your facility to receive a patient with the ebola virus. Ebola haemorrhagic fever ehf is a febrile haemorrhagic illness of which there are four distinct subtypes.

Jun 18, 2015 the 202015 western african ebola virus disease evd epidemic, caused by the ebola virus ebov makona variant kuhn et al. The exact origin and natural host of ebola virus are unknown. The following spring, a different deadly virus spread rapidly through a modern healthcare system. We describe the epidemiology of evd cases reported in guineas capital. The population incidence of ebola virus infection is low, even during an. May 26, 2015 the unprecedented scale of the ebola outbreak in west africa has, as of 29 april 2015, resulted in more than 10,884 deaths among 26,277 cases. Potential impact of sexual transmission on ebola virus.

In the past, ebola and marburg viruses were classified as hemorrhagic fever viruses, based upon their clinical manifestations, which include. People at higher risk of infection include healthcare workers, family members or others who have close contact. Ebola ivory coast, ebola reston, ebola sudan, and ebola. Epidemiology of epidemic ebola virus disease in conakry and cdc. She was a member of the 20142015 ihr emergency committee for ebola virus disease evd. Case fatality rate is around 50% and has varied between 25% and 90% in the past.

Media in category epidemiology of ebola virus disease the following 11 files are in this category, out of 11 total. Sep 06, 2019 with the ebola virus presents to a health care facility in the u. Ebola virus disease evd, or simply ebola, is a viral haemorrhagic fever of humans and other primates caused by ebolaviruses. Ebola virus disease evd in west africa was first reported during early march 2014 in guineas 3 southeastern prefectures gueckedou, macenta, and kissidougou, which border liberia and sierra leone. The outbreak of ebola virus disease evd continues to spread through west africa. Ebolaviruses are negative stranded rna viruses that belong to the. Ebov is one of the most virulent pathogens among the viral haemorrhagic fevers, and case fatality rates up to 90% have been reported. In this study, 27 ebola virus strains with complete glycoprotein genes, including five species zaire, sudan, reston, tai forest, bundibugyo, were analysed. Ebola outbreak mission instructions and resources digital student guide.

Recent reports suggesting the potential for sexual transmission of ebola virus from convalescent survivors have raised a number of important questions regarding its impact on the final phase of the epidemic in west africa 1,2. Rare and deadly disease most commonly affecting people and nonhuman primates. Epidemiological features and trends of ebola virus disease in. She is a member of south african expert groups on ebola, rabies, malaria chair of the national advisory group and national institute for communicable diseases nicd lead for the who collaborating centre for mass gatherings. In south korea, over the course of 2 months, an outbreak of middle east respiratory syndrome led to 186 confirmed cases and 38 deaths. Pdf the determinants of spread of ebola virus disease. Guinea interministerial committee for response against the ebola virus. Pdf evd is a disease of humans and other nonhuman primates caused by ebola viruses, which was first discovered in. The ebola virus disease is an epidemic that has returned to claim more lives than one can count. Here, we propose a hypothesis of the evolutionary history of ebola virus which will be helpful to investigate the molecular evolution of these viruses.